Rails: Me vs the docs
Year-after-year, you see the same posts on Reddit: “Is Rails finally dead??”
And even with Basecamp’s recent implosion, it seems unlikely that Rails is going anywhere. Its productivity benefits are unparalleled for those who are deeply familiar with the framework.
For those who aren’t familiar, it may be a different story. A new user entering the Rails guides sees so many red elements on the page they might believe that they’ve stumbled onto an error page. Navigating between the guide pages is a difficult task: while modern projects like React and Laravel have Algolia for real-time full-text search, the Rails guide pages don’t have a search of any kind. If you’re looking for specific keywords, your best bet is Google.
The topics pages themselves are hidden behind a dropdown menu instead of being readily visible on a sidebar or sticky navigation. The pages seem to go for miles, with no easy way to scroll back to the top to navigate between topics.
The documentation content is top-notch, but the technology that powers these pages is lacking. The design looks old. Navigating back to the top where I can flip between topics is painful.
Any one of these issues by itself is fine. Together, they start to present a UX barrier to entry. They raise the cost of adoption by forcing a would-be Rails user to deal with a thousand papercuts while learning the framework. Why learn Rails when you already know Laravel, which has easy-to-navigate docs that are quickly searchable? Laravel even has a short guide on how to deploy an app, why isn’t it in Ruby’s docs? A new Rails user is left to ponder rbenv vs RVM, Puma vs passenger, and what on Earth is Capistrano?
Rails is not dying. But Rails isn’t growing either. And that’s a shame, because Rails is a joy to build with, and it seems extremely productive. But are the docs enabling new users to become productive quickly? I’d argue no.
So what do we do? Presumably, I could be a part of the solution: I believe the Rails docs site is open source and anyone can contribute. The Rails core team is busy doing other important work. Really if this bothers me, I should try to fix it.
I’m still learning Rails and fighting through the docs. But if this is a technology that I stay involved with, this may be something worth tackling.