This site is on a server!

I’m happy to report that I got this site deployed to a Digitalocean droplet today, and it only took me in an hour and 15 minutes. I only had to look at my notes a few times, specifically for setting up the Puma systemd service.

I discovered a few interesting things:

1. useradd behaves differently than adduser

The useradd and adduser commands seem to function very differently. It looks to me like useradd only creates the user, while adduser creates the user, the group and the home directory. This seems more valuable.

I wonder what the differences are between groupadd and addgroup. For the time being, I plan to favor the adduser and addgroup commands.

2. You can hide directory contents

I guess I’ve always known thism but I’ve never seen it in action. I copied my root .ssh directory to my new user’s directory, changed the owner to my new user, then I discovered no one else could access it. It made me think about the way I’m starting my Rails app right now. I created a webadmin group that could access the app folder, but since the Puma service runs as my user, it has access to everything my user has access to, including my .ssh folder.

I should rethink this setup, and maybe create a webadmin user than runs the app, and continue setting the app’s folder group to webadmin. I’m not sure.

3. I didn’t need to manually install Bundle

I guess Bundle came installed with rbenv. Curious.

4. I think I should set my RAILS_ENV to production before I run bundle

I’m not entirely sure how dependency management works in Ruby/Rails, but I think Bundle installs extra packages during development. Maybe if I set my environment before running bundle, it’ll install fewer packages.

New blog features: preventing filename drift

One of the things that bothered me about this blog was that it was really easy for the slugs and filenames to get out of sync. Now, when I run my import command, Ruby will check to see if the file name is the date plus the slug. If it’s not, it will rename the file. Neat!

I also created a Rake command for new blog posts. This should help me get started on new posts faster.

Next up, I need to choose a domain for this site. I’m getting tired, so until next time!