A place for my thoughts and all of the things I tinker with...
Replaced Tinkerlog's Rails backend with Astro
So my resume is now a website. That's a thing I guess.
Playing with CSS and looking at network fundamentals
Working my way through Ansible and terrified that I'll need to learn Vault
Beginning to play with shell scripting
Burning out on Terraform
Setting up back-ups with an Ansible container in Jenkins
Python, venv and Docker are not friends
The top of the mountain
Jenkins build emails, Dockerizing Tinkerlog, and Terraform
Docker-in-Docker to the rescue: my Jenkins server is fully-functional
Final hurdles with setting up my Jenkins server (hopefully)
Offloading my brain to the Internet
Verifying GPG signatures: history, terms and a how-to guide
Mastering Ubuntu Server: notes from day 1
Alpine and Python, EXPOSE-ing ports and unprivileged users in containers
Blast off: my first Dockerized app is in production
Trials and tribulations of sharing Django's static files with an nginx container
Debugging on the server: finally getting my Dockerized app to load in a browser
My first pipeline is finally deploying to DigitalOcean
The final yard: The final yard: Docker, firewalls and SSH keys
First CI Pipeline: Complete
Pipelines, Docker Hub, and Docker Compose in production
It's been a month
Fucked again: I threw out my back
The Great Unfucking begins
Music and agility
Struggling to integrate Docker and Jenkins
I got my first pipeline to build in Jenkins
What is going on with the Jenkins UI?
Docker, Docker-in-Docker and disappointment
I'm tired of sucking at deployment
Downloading a webpage and all of its assets with wget
Diving into the source
2021: The year I master continuous delivery
I think I'm starting to understand why people like Go
Taco La Villa
How long has it been since I've been to Los Angeles?
Bridging the glowing rectangle and reality
I'm an applications programmer
Eating takeout again post-pandemic
Considering projects for 2021
Configuring nginx to handle www redirects on Tinker Log
My 2021 reading list
XML in Rails and funny ternary operators in Ruby
Trying to understand when I'd use Golang
Self-hosting analytics with Plausible & NGINX on Ubuntu Server
This blog is live at last!
Days since I bricked a server: 0
This site is on a server!
Instant reloading added to this site in development mode
This site is ready to launch
Finally loading content into the site's repo
Tax Day 2021
Over the finish line: Deploying Rails
A complete guide to deploying Rails on an Ubuntu VirtualBox VM
More Rails deployment heaches
Reviewing SOLID and MVC
Python and the value of learning through paid work
SSH and making my computer speak
Day two of installing Ruby on the server
Rails: Me vs the docs
Too many options, too much to know
Giving Rails a shot